2000 – Research project on the alteration of tailings

Research project

Alteration processes in tailings resulting from consolidations and their effects to structural and radiological conditions in the area of industrial sedimentation tanks of the uranium mining
Working group with University Innsbruck Institute for Geotechnical Engineering and Tunneling


State Office of Environment and Geology
Zur Wetterwarte 11
01109 Dresden


  • Literature research to the international state of the art and science concerning tailing ponds and tailing dams, and to the geochemistry of tailings
  • Data research to industrial sedimenation tanks of the uranium mining in Saxony with respect to mineral contents, hydrogeological, geohydraulic, and stratification conditions
  • Modelling of consolidation and discharge of pollutants resulting from alteration
  • Numerical prognoses of settlements and discharges of pollutants

Period of activities: 1997 – 2000

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