Our diverse team of around 50 employees is made up of highly qualified specialists and technical experts. Around two thirds of the team are qualified engineers, geologists/engineering geologists and geophysicists as well as chemists, who contribute their specialist knowledge and experience to our work. The remaining third of our employees are technical specialists who play an important role in the implementation of our projects. Together, we form a dedicated team that always strives to exceed our clients' expectations. Find out more about the individual members of our team and their areas of expertise on this page.

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
André Koletzko
Department Head
André Koletzko
Department Head

Gerd Mrozik
Authorised Representative
Gerd Mrozik
Authorised Representative

Lutz Vogt
Managing Director
Lutz Vogt
Managing Director
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH)
Marika Hille
Commercial Manager
Marika Hille
Commercial Manager
Martin Hensel
Senior Project Manager
Martin Hensel
Senior Project Manager

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Peter-Andreas von Wolffersdorff
Autorised Expert
Peter-Andreas von Wolffersdorff
Autorised Expert
Dr. rer. nat.
Ralf Herrmann
Ralf Herrmann

Steffen Tost
Managing Director
Steffen Tost
Managing Director

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Sven Unger
Senior Project Manager
Sven Unger
Senior Project Manager

Thomas Meier
Department Head
Thomas Meier
Department Head